شنبه ۰۹ فروردین ۱۴۰۴ – Saturday 29 March 2025

ساعت: ۰۰:۵۶

With attendance of Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding and Hormozgan General Governor:

Isfahan Refinery Site Contract Signed in Hormozgan

CEO of Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding noted that the construction of the second site of Isfahan refinery in the Hormozgan province is a big achievement and would put Isfahan refinery amongst the pioneers of of refining industry in Iran.

Rahbord Energy: During the signing ceremony of Isfahan refinery site in Hormozgan, which was attended by the general governor of Hormozgan province, the CEO of Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding noted that the construction of the second site of Isfahan refinery in the Hormozgan province is a big achievement and would put Isfahan refinery amongst the pioneers of of refining industry in Iran. Mohsen Ghadiri added that his holding intends to create a .refinery with the capacity of 120,000 barrels per day

With regards to the construction of the second site of Isfahan refinery in Bandar Abbas, Ghadiri noted that refinery equipment would soon be transported into the country.

He said that Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding has allocated €13bn  for the purchase of the refinery and the relevant equipment is being transported to Iran. He noted that the “surveying operation for the construction of the second site of the refinery in Hormozgan will begin in the near future and following that, civil and foundation construction would commence.” He noted that the construction work would finish by the end of the coming year.

Ghadiri also emphasized that in order to clear the relevant instrument for the refinery, the cooperation of the general governor’s office of Hormozgan province is needed and said: “Though the costs we’ve incurred for the construction of the refinery in another province has been huge, but doing this project in Bandar Abbas would be a huge task and it’s hoped that we can have the relevant cooperation with regards to the land price for the project.”

Dr. Ghadiri said that last year 20000bn tomans of credit was allocated by Isfahan refinery for the construction work of Hormozgan refinery project. He said the same amount of money will be allocated for the project this year. “We estimate the cost of this project to be around €250bn.”

Dr. Ghadiri further noted that various ways for investment and choosing the relevant contractors have been carried out and added that the measures with regards to the ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade as well as the Department of Environment will be carried out with the cooperation of Hormozgan general governor’s office.  “All relevant corridors and limits have been delineated” he added.

Mahdavi Dousti, the general governor of Hormozgan province also added that according to an official mandate by the government, work is being done in order to use the common sea border of the province with the neighboring countries, and the construction of railroad is in progress and an area has been allocated to Isfahan refinery in Shahid Rajaei port in Bandar Abbas.”

With regards to the site of Isfahan refinery in Bandar Abbas, he noted that 468 hectares of land in an area northeast of the Homozang has been considered for the project. He said that area is located within a distance that’s safe to the environment. Furthermore, he added, there are two transmisson pipelines and roads in that area

Source: EORC Public & International Affairs Department

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